Record Window

This figure shows the recorder in its activated state. Recording will start as soon as the input signal threshold (69 % of the maximum level of the sound card) is reached. When the input level  (here: 27 %) is reached, recording will start automatically: the control light flashes, while the upper and lower progress bars show the maximum and minimum recording time, respectively.  The minimum recording time will be reset every time the input threshold is exceeded. Longer periods of silence (signals below this threshold) will be ignored during recording. Recording will be stopped when the maximum recording time is reached, or when the minimum recording time has elapsed with no signal present. The log file is saved and named according to its start time. Longer conversations are divided, and the individual files are named according to their respective start time (e.g. 1_10-01-2011_19-35-45.wav, the initial digit designating the recording channel). In this window, the following settings can be made: Standby for recording: Button . The recording threshold can be set using the fader:   Clipping is displayed like this: .


The File tab  offers four options: INFO: Show the file you're reading now; Settings; File Window ON/OFF (cf. Extras); Exit: Exit Radio Logger.

With  earlier recordings can be selected (by date and time) and played back.

Information shown in the status bar : DK9BS, number of recorded log files, program name, program version, COM-port, radio network, system date and time.